About daniellenettesheim

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But we are proud to say that daniellenettesheim contributed 16 entries already.

Entries by daniellenettesheim

Velo Solar Teams Up with Indigo Energy for New Joint Venture

Velo Solar has formed a joint venture with Indigo Energy to offer Velo’s solar expertise to Indigo’s established distribution system for a range of energy products. Indigo Energy, formed in 2000, is a national distribution network for petroleum and biofuels. In forming this partnership with Velo Solar, Indigo will diversify its energy offerings to include […]

Velo Solar Create Solar Installation for New Realm Brewing

40-kilowatt rooftop array will avoid more than 42 metric tons of CO2 emissions per year New Realm Brewing located in Poncey-Highland has partnered with local solar installer Velo Solar to create a distinctive, money-saving energy source for the popular intown destination. In keeping with its commitment to smart energy management and sustainability, New Realm will cut its […]

The Solar Energy Systems Process

Day-one energy savings in as little as six weeks. The monthly utility bills won’t stop coming, but what if you could reduce them within two billing cycles? Velo helps you do just that – we’ll get your solar system running in as little as six weeks. The best part? You start saving money the very […]